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logs checker

  1. cort3x7

    BLTools 2.9 PRO

    Update v2.9 -Added a check for the cost of Steam inventory -Added sorting of accounts with Knives and Gloves. (Steam) -Added a check for active sale lots (Steam) -Fixed the Community Ban, VAC Ban check (now displays the game name) (Steam) -Added a check for Prime CS2 (Steam) -Updated...
  2. selma


    ValorantChecker_Fx - see screenshot File hosting №1 download File hosting №2 download
  3. cort3x7

    BLTools 2.8.6 Cracked

    Updates - Fixed the Netflix check (there were many errors) - Fixed the Steam inventory check for "Steam" items - Fixed the YouTube check - Changed the Gmail check for letters - Now it doesn't kill mail. - Fixed Yahoo check - Fixed Facebook ADS check (PRO Version) - Other minor fixes...
  4. cort3x7

    [NEW] BLTools 2.8.4 + Project Files

    Best Log Checker Utility 2024 The Discord checker is currently unavailable in this version, so you need to wait for the developer to complete discord checker in the next version. The Steam Market checker is now updated. That program is the latest version of BLTools. It was very good and helpful...